Deep Narayan Nayak, a dedicated teacher from a marginalized community in a remote Indian village, has embarked on a remarkable journey to transform lives through education. In a place where earning a mere dollar a day was considered sufficient, Deep recognized the dire need to push his community toward enlightenment. Undeterred by initial reluctance, he went from house to house, passionately advocating for the importance of education.
He started with only two students and taught them under the shade of a tree. In the end, he gained the confidence of the parents and the trust of young children. Today, Deep conducts eleven batches, each comprising one hundred students. Through his tenacious efforts, an illiterate community has blossomed into a literate one.
The story of Deep Narayan Nayak reached the ears of the Project Nightfall Organization. We did not hesitate to give him the support he direly needs.
Deep shares his sentiments regarding this uplifting development, expressing himself in his native language:
“I [was] super surprised, as I only expected the video and so I was extending the required support. I was excited about the video. There were big journalists and Press Houses who took my interview, they were here with big cameras all well dressed but none thought that the kids would need support.
It’s only Project Nightfall that extended a hand of support and I felt like my efforts are valued, not mainly because of the money but the thought that this cause is important and that it requires help, support & love. I am truly and deeply grateful for Project Nightfall and his amazing team. I will use the money to expand the school into another village that I’ve already shortlisted, they are hundreds of students who need street blackboards, uniforms, books & food…”
All thanks to you, Nightfam, we are able to do this for Deep and the children he teaches. By watching our videos, you empower us to go as far as this remote community in India and even beyond. Love you, all!
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