Project Nightfall Phlanthropy is bringing a more colourful life to a little deserving girl 🌈

Zara is a vibrant schoolgirl from Bulgaria, but unlike many other children her age, simple activities like watching TV, going to a regular school, or just being out in the sun are very difficult for her. She has a rare condition called achromatopsia which causes low vision, color blindness, and severe light sensitivity among others. It is so rare that she’s the only one diagnosed with the condition in her country.

“[the] new spectacles would be life-changing for my 9-year-old daughter,” her mom, Petia, shared. Zara needs mini telescopic glasses to see and identify the traffic light colors, for example. The young mother reached out to Project Nightfall Philanthropy so she could buy these special glasses for her little girl.

“Sorry, what?!” Petia cried in disbelief when she found out her cause was chosen by the organization. “Thank you so much, oh my God. This is the best news for the month ever…It’s been such a hard month because of my grandma and some other problems and with this news, it’s bringing the sunshine that we need…my husband will never believe it! As you share this with your audience, more people will learn about achromatopsia and low vision patients. My daughter will be accepted and this is the thing I fight for the most! Choosing us makes me feel understood in a way I have never felt before. It’s not just about money, it’s about this relation ‘We choose you because we understand you’ that will warm my heart in years to come.”

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Project Nightfall Philanthropy is bringing light into a dark house that was flooded in Australia!

Jedd McIntyre’s whole world literally fell apart when he experienced one of the worst floods in March 2022.

Not only did his house drown in 8-meter-deep water, Jedd also lost the farm animals that he loved so much. “We couldn’t save them, the water came up really quickly…it was really hard knowing at the back of your mind, listening to your animals dying and there’s nothing you could do about it. It really hurt.”

When we heard about Jedd’s devastating experience, we knew that even if we couldn’t bring back his animals, we could definitely bring some light back into his life.

Nightfam, with your help we got his electricity restored and he has begun the process of restoring his home!

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Hero teacher from India gets new school facilities for village children

Deep Narayan Nayak, a dedicated teacher from a marginalized community in a remote Indian village, has embarked on a remarkable journey to transform lives through education. In a place where earning a mere dollar a day was considered sufficient, Deep recognized the dire need to push his community toward enlightenment. Undeterred by initial reluctance, he went from house to house, passionately advocating for the importance of education.

He started with only two students and taught them under the shade of a tree. In the end, he gained the confidence of the parents and the trust of young children. Today, Deep conducts eleven batches, each comprising one hundred students. Through his tenacious efforts, an illiterate community has blossomed into a literate one.

The story of Deep Narayan Nayak reached the ears of the Project Nightfall Organization. We did not hesitate to give him the support he direly needs.

Deep shares his sentiments regarding this uplifting development, expressing himself in his native language:

“I [was] super surprised, as I only expected the video and so I was extending the required support. I was excited about the video. There were big journalists and Press Houses who took my interview, they were here with big cameras all well dressed but none thought that the kids would need support.

It’s only Project Nightfall that extended a hand of support and I felt like my efforts are valued, not mainly because of the money but the thought that this cause is important and that it requires help, support & love. I am truly and deeply grateful for Project Nightfall and his amazing team. I will use the money to expand the school into another village that I’ve already shortlisted, they are hundreds of students who need street blackboards, uniforms, books & food…”

All thanks to you, Nightfam, we are able to do this for Deep and the children he teaches. By watching our videos, you empower us to go as far as this remote community in India and even beyond. Love you, all!

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Project Nightfall Philanthropy is funding a mobile kitchen to feed a homeless community in the US

“Imagine already not having a roof over your head, and then having to think about how you will get your next meal, with no money… Every single day.

Our biggest mission is to help the homeless. One of the things that our homeless community is suffering from is the lack of food security. At the moment, there are no soup kitchens in the area and there’s nowhere that the homeless or the needy can go and get a hot meal.”

Sarah of Callaway Cares, shared that they only needed the last 3 components (water tank kit, refrigerator/freezer, and generator) for their mobile soup kitchen to be ready to start feeding the homeless and we are making it happen!

“Really? That’s awesome! I just want to say thank you so much to the Project Nightfall Philanthropy and everybody that was involved. This has been something we’ve been trying to do for a few months now, we just kept running into hurdles and it’s all monetary and this will get us there. I’m so excited to be able to get out and just help people.”

-Sarah Robison, Street Outreach Co-Coordinator of Callaway Cares

Thank you so much for supporting us, Nightfam! By watching our videos, you’re helping us save lives!

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More than 100 school children in Ghana will receive uniforms from Project Nightfall Philanthropy

A passionate teacher, Mr Desmond Kampoe, who treats his students as his own children has been actively working on improving his village’s school. He donated sanitary kits, then campaigned for classrooms to have desks. Now he’s taking it to another level with the goal of boosting the students’ sense of belonging through uniforms.

Class attendance has been a challenge so he thought, if children in uniforms are seen in their village, parents and their children who are not in school will be encouraged to attend classes too. With the $1000 from Project Nightfall Philanthropy, he can have around 120 uniforms sewn by a local tailor.

Here’s what he has to say:

“Thank you so much, I am highly elated to hear this news…I promise to use the funds as intended and report back in details as soon as possible.”

At first glance a uniform seems to be a simple cause but to this small village, it represents hope for a bright future. It represents a group of youth eager to learn, eager to change their lives for the better. Thank you, Nightfam, for being a part of this.

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