Project Nightfall Philanthropy is buying 10 bikes so at least 20 children don’t have to walk 10km to school

There are kids in Agave in Volta region that don’t go to school because of the 10-12km walk. It’s just way too long! With these 10 bikes, at least 20 children will get an education they otherwise would’ve neglected.

Thank you, Nightfam! And most importantly, thank you to Eyram Kwaku Titiati (Founder of Yram Creativity) who works hard day and night to make sure the children in his community have better opportunities than he did growing up.

Eyram is a computer engineer who teaches his communities basic computer skills.

Eyram when he got the news:

“Wow! That’s great news! I’m so grateful. I can’t imagine the joy on the kids’ faces when we send them the bikes. I can’t wait! I really can not wait!”

– Eyram Kwaku Titiati

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A girl with cerebral palsy gets a special wheelchair

Esther has cerebral palsy and had been unable to walk since birth. She is a 13-year-old girl that stays with her grandparents. Esther was always uncomfortable, she could sit straight to eat, and she could not move enough because the old wheelchair was small and rigid. The cerebral palsy wheelchair will help her commute to her classes and physiotherapy sessions. She is a brave, bold girl and deserves all support to live in comfort and to learn.

Here’s what her parents have to say:

“I’m so glad to inform you that the Cerebral Palsy has been delivered and because we have some money left, we also got her some diapers that will last her for some months, we got her some clothes and some food materials as well.”

“On behalf of my wife, I [appreciate] all the entire Project Nightfall (NIGHTFAM) Organization for coming through for her(Esther) at this time, we are eternally grateful for identifying with us.”

Because of you, Nightfam, we have been able to reach children (and people) with disabilities. In our small way, we help them make life just a bit more comfortable so they can have access to some of their needs. We are truly thankful to you!

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This son from Papua New Guinea is getting their house fixed

John was fearful that he and his disabled father would soon end up being homeless. His home for more than 20 years had leaking pipes and a rotting roof. When he walked on the floor, the whole house would shake. The place was no longer livable and was in danger of being repossessed. He thankfully saw the opportunity in Project Nightfall Organization’s Weekly giveaway and was so eager to share what this home and his family meant to him. This was his chance to finally put his home back in one piece.

Here’s what John has to say:

“It is more than enough, it will solve all my problems!

I’m so thankful to you and the Project Nightfall Team!”

Nightfam, because of you, we have helped John rebuild his dream for his family. After all, a home is more than just a shelter, it’s also the dwelling place for great memories, the birthplace of a person’s hopes and ambitions.

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This amputee can now have a new leg

Seanne was overcome with emotions when they shared their story of how they lost their leg – how it broke them but also gave them a new perspective on life. Seanne feared becoming a burden to their family even though they know the family doesn’t mind helping out. Now, more than ever, they want to stand up with head held high, be able to work, and live with confidence. They wrote to us expressing their desire of getting a new prosthetic leg.

Here’s what Seanne has to say:

“I don’t want to limit myself just because I have a disability. I want to dream and be able to work towards it. I want to inspire people, that if I can do it, they can too. All I need is a chance.

I am so grateful that Project Nightfall Organization have chosen me to be one of your recipients. I don’t even know how to express my gratitude. This is such a big help for me and my future. “

Seanne has already reached one of their dreams, to inspire people as they has truly inspired us with their fighting spirit! Nightfam, thank you for doing this with us! By watching our videos, you help us change lives and empower people.

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A Palestinian refugee is given hope

O’deen and his family have endured years without a proper home. Originally from Palestine, they resided in another country where his mother got a job. However, being foreigners without permanent residency, they were eventually forced to leave. Returning to Palestine was challenging due to ongoing issues, leading them to seek refuge in Indonesia. Life has been even more arduous since their arrival.

As a refugee family, they face restrictions on employment and education, relying solely on relief aid or the assistance of compassionate individuals. Unfortunately, the situation worsened with the onset of the pandemic. It was during this difficult time that O’deen decided to give Project Nightfall Philanthropy’s Weekly 1000 a try. This initiative provided his family with a means of sustenance for the upcoming months while they awaited resettlement, a prospect they could only hope would come soon.

Here’s what he has to say:

“Thank you for your support! I can’t describe my feeling! This will help me and my family a lot… Again thank you so much this [is] life changing for us! We hope Project Nightfall [Philanthropy] continues their successful content.”

Nightfam, we are not doing this on our own! With your support, by watching our videos, you help us reach out to people like O’deen and many others who are in need – not only of basic things such as food or daily supplies, but also of hope that there are better days ahead.

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